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Frequently Asked Questions

When does the school day begin and end?

The first bell rings at 7:57 a.m., and the last bell rings at 2:56p.m. Walkers and athletes are released at 3:02.

How many periods are in each day?

Edgerton junior/senior high has 8 periods per day, plus Bulldog Learning Time. Each period is 42 minutes long. You will have a 3-minute passing period, in which time you get your books for your next class and use the restroom. The Bulldog learning time is 27 minutes at the middle of each day, and that will be a great time for you to reach out to your teachers for extra help.

Who are the principals at Edgerton Local Schools?

Mr. Grieser (grades PK-6), and Mr. Wilhelm (grades 7-12). Mr. Riehle is the superintendent.

How can I stay current on my grades?

Each student is provided a username and password that they will use when logging onto our website:, and going to the tab “Parent/Student Grade Portal”. Here you will be able to check your grades on a regular basis. It is also recommended that you and your parents contact the teacher when concerned about a grade. The username is s+your student ID (ex. s12345) and your password is your date of birth with slashes and without leading zeros (ex. 1/1/2000)

What do I need to know about my locker?

Each student is provided their own locker. Lockers do not have locks, so you will not want to keep anything valuable in them. Students are not permitted to decorate the outside of their locker, unless it is by an approved extracurricular organization. Students are permitted to decorate the inside of their lockers, but magnets must be used, no tape.

Is my attendance really important?

As always, attendance is very important. Now that you will have multiple teachers instead of just one or two, it will be more difficult to obtain all of the work missed when absent. You can read the official attendance policy in the handbook, but remember that attendance is a big priority.

Does the junior high and high school follow a dress code?

The official dress code can be found in the handbook, but as a general rule of thumb you should not have any skin showing between mid-thigh and shoulders. Remember, respect your image and your education, and dress appropriately. The complete student agenda can be found on the school website under Student Resources, named “HS/MS Agenda.”

How do the cafeteria procedures work?

All students in the junior high eat during the same thirty-minute lunch period, from 11:00-11:30. 9th -12th graders eat lunch from 11:42-12:14. There are two lunch options each day, and extra snacks are always available for an additional price.

Can I bring a water bottle to school?

You may bring a water to school, but it must be closed and left in your locker. It must be a clear bottle and clear liquid.

Am I allowed to bring my electronic devices to school?

All electronic devices must be turned off and in your locker or a pocket during the school day. It must be out of sight for the duration of the school day, including lunch.

What extracurricular activities can I participate in?

As an Edgerton junior high student, you can participate in cross country, volleyball, cheerleading, football, wrestling, basketball, baseball, softball, track, FFA, student council and the quiz team. There are additional opportunities in high school, such as marching band and golf.

With so many classes, how do I stay organized?

Each student is provided a Chromebook, and each one of your teachers will have a Google Classroom. Google Calendar is also a great way to stay on top of each class’s homework assignments. It is recommended that students get a binder with a different color folder for each class to help them stay organized. You may also want to get a planner to stay on track.

What do I do if I want to change my schedule?

Students have five days at the beginning of each semester to change their schedules. If you would like to change your schedule, you need to complete a “schedule change request form” located in the guidance counseling office.

What might I need to see the guidance counselor for?

The guidance counselor is here to assist you with any personal, social, emotional, family, academic, college, or career planning questions you may have. The guidance counseling waiting room is always open, and students are welcome to browse the wide range of academic, college, career, and counseling resources within.

How do I sign up to see the guidance counselor?

If you need to see Mrs. Stark, you can tell your teacher, or come and see her during your lunch, in between classes, or before and after school. If she is not in her office, you may email or request a hall pass through the smart pass system to Mrs. Stark and request a meeting with her. She will then send a pass for you as soon as she is available.

What do I do if I believe I am being bullied?

Our school works hard to establish a culture of acceptance, tolerance, and respect, while building peer-to-peer social skills. Physical, mental, emotional, and cyber issues can threaten a student’s physical and emotional safety and can negatively impact their ability to learn. We believe the most effective way to address peer conflicts is to take a proactive and preventative approach. If you are struggling with peer issues, or see someone else who is in need of help, reach out immediately to a trusted adult.

What do I do if I am not feeling well?

If you are not feeling well and need to see the nurse, you simply let your teacher know, or report to the front office during your lunch or in between classes and let them know that you would like to see the nurse.

How do I stay informed?

Alert solutions, google classroom, guidance newsletter, school website, and school twitter are all ways to stay up-to-date.
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