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Information on Registration, Grades, PowerSchool and more

Preschool Registration

Preschool Services for Edgerton Local Schools is provided by Northwest Ohio ESC. To learn about eligibility and screening information, visit the ESC Preschool page or call the ESC directly at 567-444-4818. If registering a student for Preschool, the NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION process does NOT need to be completed.

Kindergarten Registration

Screening Dates for Kindergarten Registration will be in April 2025.
Required paperwork includes: birth certificate, student shot records, custody paperwork if applicable.

NEW Student Registration

To register as a NEW student at Edgerton Local Schools, please complete the Pre-Registration Form.

Create a PowerSchool Parent Account

This video provides instructions on creating a PowerSchool account and linking your student(s) to it. The Student Access ID is the student's lunch account number, and the Access Password is the student's date of birth (e.g., 7/3/2010). If you're unsure of the school lunch account number, please contact the school directly for assistance.

PowerSchool Mobile App Directions

Explore the features of the PowerSchool Mobile App and learn how to get it with the PowerSchool Mobile App Directions.pdf. Edgerton Local School District‘s Code is XLWS.

Parent / Student PowerSchool Portal

Create/login to your PowerSchool Parent Portal, Update Ecollect forms / Access Attendance, Grades & Email Preferences / Update Student Information. The easiest way to access this is to download the PowerSchool Mobile app. See the following section for instructions!

Ecollect Forms

Find guidance on completing the Ecollect Forms.pdf in your PowerSchool Parent Portal for your student(s) by following this link. Remember, it's essential to complete these forms before your student(s) start school, with updates required for any changes in phone number or student demographics, and yearly while enrolled at Edgerton Local Schools.

NOVA (Northwest Ohio Virtual Academy)

If you are interested in having your child apply for Edgerton's NOVA program, please see our NOVA site for more information and common questions. To apply, please fill out the NOVA Application.pdf. Contact Melinda Cooley if you have further questions.

Documentation for Enrollment/Registration

The following documentation will be needed when enrolling your student with Edgerton Local Schools
  1. Birth Certificate
  2. School Records - Edgerton Local Schools will request student(s) official records from the student's previous school. It is strongly encouraged that the following items also be provided to expedite the class scheduling process:
    1. Current high school transcript and most recent class schedule
    2. Most recent report card
    3. Special Education records (IEP/ETR/504 Plan), if applicable
    4. Address and phone number of previous school
  3. Immunization Records
    1. See the 2023 Ohio Immunization Summary for School Attendance.pdf
  4. Proof of Edgerton Local Schools residency
  5. Proof of Custody, if applicable
    1. If the student(s) biological parents are divorced, you must provide the complete journalized, signed custody papers (divorce/dissolution decree, shared parenting agreement, or juvenile court decision) proving residential parent information.
    2. If custody is with someone other than the biological parents, you must present a complete journalized copy of legal custody papers transferring custody.
    3. If legal custody is being established or modified, you must present a copy of the court stamped motion for change of custody.
    4. Ohio's general rule (RC3109.042), an unmarried female who gives birth to a child is the sole residential parent and legal custodian of the child until a court issues an order designating another person as the residential and legal guardian.
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