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High School Guidance

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High School Guidance

Kim Stark 7-12 School Counselor
Welcome! As your 7th through 12th grade school counselor, my role is to be a student advocate. 

From scheduling classes with an eye on the future, to making plans to attend college, join the work force, or enlist in the armed forces, students have many opportunities to define who they are and what their definition of success is. I help put students in touch with the resources they need to make the best decision for them, then help them find ways to finance their dreams. 

Students can also struggle with day-to-day demands of being human; pressures at home and school can be overwhelming. Finding help for students with social and emotional issues can help them become more confident and better able to achieve their goals, all in a safe and healthy manner. My role is to help empower students to find the best solution for themselves.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions and concerns that you might have. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our students and our community. 

Kim Stark
7-12 School Counselor
419-298-2331 ext 1008
111 East River Street, Edgerton, Ohio 43517
© 2025. Edgerton Local Schools. All Rights Reserved.
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