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The Edgerton Elementary School Counseling Department is devoted to giving all students the academic, social-emotional, and life readiness skills necessary to be successful members of society.  To do this, the school counselor:

  • Visits each classroom monthly to work on developing social-emotional and life readiness skills to teach all students how to work together and become well-rounded, productive members of society

  • Works with small groups weekly to fine-tune different skills with students that may need a little extra help

    • ex. Social Skills, Conquering Anxiety, Self-Control, etc.

  • Works with small groups to talk about common life occurrences, and work through them together as a group

    • ex. Divorce, Grief, etc.

  • Works with individual students to establish specific skills that the child may be struggling to understand on their own

  • Create behavior plans for children who may need an extra incentive or motivation to follow the rules and do the right thing throughout the school day

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