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Career Planning

Four County Career Center

Students have the opportunity to visit Four County Career Center their tenth grade year.  During this visit, students take a tour of the career center and learn about three careers of their interest.  Students who have accumulated at least eight credits may choose to attend Four County Career Center their junior and senior year.  Currently, Four County Career Center offers 32 different programs from 4 different Career Pathways.  For more information, check out their website at


Information about careers in the military is available at Careers In the Military and Today's Military,or at the service-specific websites listed below.  Students interested in pursuing a career in the military need to take the ASVAB; a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military.  For more information, please visit: ASVAB
Service-Specific Websites

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is a work experience option where students learn about a job by walking through the work day as a shadow to a competent worker. The job shadowing work experience is a temporary, unpaid exposure to the workplace in an occupational area of interest to the student. Students witness firsthand the work environment, employability and occupational skills in practice, the value of professional training and potential career options. Job shadowing is designed to increase career awareness, help model student behavior through examples and reinforce in the student the link between classroom learning and work requirements. Almost any workplace is a potential job shadowing site.

Career Assessments - Find out what careers are right for you!

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