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Testing Information

Edgerton High School CEEB Code: 362050

The scores received on national and state standardized tests can be an important tool for students, parents, and counselors to use.  They can add an important part to a student's school record in attempting to predict future performance in college.  Scores on these tests assist students in evaluating their academic abilities compared with those of other students entering colleges they are considering.  They help students in estimating where they would stand academically among others entering a certain college and whether they are making realistic college choices.  A realistic evaluation of test scores by students and their parents/guardians can help in making good choices for a college.  In some cases, it may lessen the disappointment of rejection from a certain college.

End-of-course exams

Ohio's State Tests measure student progress toward Ohio's Learning Standards. They help us make sure every Ohio student receives a high-quality education. Test results show that students have the knowledge and skills they need to move successfully to their next steps in education or a career. Classes of 2023 and beyond will take English language arts II, algebra I, geometry, biology, American history, and American government End-of-Course tests. Students must earn a raw score of 684 on algebra 1 and English language arts II tests. The other tests may be counted toward graduation seals.


Another way students can gain practice experience that may help them perform better on college entrance exams is by taking the PSAT test (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test). The PSAT/NMSQT is given in the fall of each year at Edgerton High School to college-bound juniors.  Its purpose is threefold:  to give experience in testing and testing procedures, to furnish an SAT prediction score, and to qualify for scholarship aid through the National Merit program.  For juniors, the results of NMSQT portion of the PSAT test determine eligibility for the National Merit Scholarship Program.

The PSAT/NMSQT test is in multiple choice format and consists of a critical reading section, a math section, and a writing skills section.  The final test scores are expressed in a range of 20 to 80.  The test takes approximately 2 1/4 hours to complete, and costs approximately $18.00. Registration is made available through the guidance office. For more information go to: College Board.

ACT (American College Test)

Nearly all four year colleges and universities require students to take either the ACT or SAT college entrance exam for admissions, placement, and scholarship purposes.  The ACT consists of four sub-tests:  english, mathematics, science reasoning, and reading.  Students receive a score in each sub-test, as well as a composite score ranging from 1-36, which is the average of the four sub-tests.  The writing test is optional, but is a requirement by select colleges.  The ACT takes approximately 3 3/4 hours to complete.  Students can find testing dates, locations, fees, fee waiver eligibility, and register for the ACT at:

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)

The SAT consists of a verbal section, a math section, and a reading section, and takes approximately 3 3/4 hours to complete. SAT scores are expressed in a range of 200 to 800.  Students can find testing dates, locations, fees, fee waiver eligibility, and register for the SAT at SAT Collegeboard.
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