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Positive Peer Relationships

Positive Peer Relationships

Edgerton Local Schools works hard to establish a school culture of acceptance, tolerance, and respect while building peer-to-peer social skills. Physical, mental, emotional, and cyber issues can threaten a student’s physical and emotional safety and can negatively impact their ability to learn.  We believe the most effective way to address peer conflicts is to take a proactive and preventative approach. When tough situations happen, we work toward building resiliency. 

Children's Internet Protection

The Children't Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was enacted by Congress in 2000 to address concerns about children's access to obscene or hamful contect over the internet.  All students at Edgerton Local School District are required to watch a CIPA video each year.    

Our goal is to maintain a safe environment for all students. It is essential that educators, parents, and community stakeholders work together to send a unified message against bullying. Let’s teach our children that “Bulldogs Don’t Bully”, and to ‘Stand Up” and “Speak Out” against bullying.
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