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Financial Aid

What is Financial Aid?

Nearly all US citizens or eligible non-citizens enrolled at least half-time are eligible for some form of financial aid. Even if you don't qualify for a grant, you may still be eligible for other forms of financial assistance. Many families don't apply for financial aid because they believe that they earn too much money.  However, you don't need to be low income to get financial aid. Some loans and scholarships are available regardless of need, and the number of family members in college can significantly affect your eligibility for aid.  Many factors are used to determine your eligibility for financial aid, and there is no simple cut-off based on income. For more information visit Student Aid Eligibility.
Financial Aid comes in the form of grants, scholarships, federal student loans, and federal work study programs. Review this Financial Aid Packet for a detailed explanation of financial aid, a financial aid checklist, and common financial aid acronyms.

How Do You Apply for Federal Student Aid?

Complete your FAFSA. Beginning October 1st of each year you can complete the Free Application for Federal StudentAid(FAFSA). If you need a paper FAFSA, you can get one from the website at,or you can call toll-free to 1-877-433-7827. You have until June 30th to submit your FAFSA, but should apply as soon as you can! Schools and states often use FAFSA information to award non federal aid. Their deadlines are usually earlier than June 30. You can find state deadlines at Check with the schools you’re interested in for their deadlines.

Review your Student Aid Report (SAR). After you apply, you’ll receive a Student Aid Report, or SAR. Your SAR contains the information reported on your FAFSA and usually includes your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The EFC is an index number used to determine your eligibility for federal student aid. Review your SAR information and make any corrections or changes, if necessary. The school(s) you list on your FAFSA will get your SAR data electronically.

Contact the school(s) you might attend. Make sure the financial aid office at each school you’re interested in has all the information needed to determine your eligibility. If you’re eligible, each school’s financial aid office will send you an award letter showing the amount and types of aid (from all sources) the school will offer you. You can compare award letters from the schools to which you applied and see what aid you can receive from each school.

Financial Aid Night
Edgerton and Edon High School Host an annual Financial Aid Night to help students and parents better understand the process of financial aid, including grants, scholarships, loans, and word study programs.

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